- Usage period:
- Sobekhotep IV - 18th Dynasty before Amenhotep IV
- Gender:
- both
- References:
- Ranke no.: / TLA no.:
Spellings & Attestations
- Title:
- wꜥw n sbꜣ m mn-nfr
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Provenance:
- Abydos
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Provenance:
- Abydos
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Provenance:
- Abydos
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Provenance:
- Abydos
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
m Stamped cone, brick, prism, pyramid Davies and Macadam 85
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ pr-wr n ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-rꜥ
- Date:
- early 18th Dynasty before Amenhotep II
- Dossier:
- jmj-rꜣ pr n ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-rꜥ mꜣꜥ-ḫrw bꜣk (accepted)
m Stamped cone, brick, prism, pyramid Davies and Macadam 86
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ pr wr n ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-kꜣ-rꜥ
- Date:
- early 18th Dynasty before Amenhotep II
- Dossier:
- jmj-rꜣ pr n ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-rꜥ mꜣꜥ-ḫrw bꜣk (accepted)
m Tomb Gebel es-Silsilah shrine 17
- Title:
- wḥmw n ṯꜣtj
- Provenance:
- Gebel el-Silsila
- Date:
- Thutmose III mn-ḫpr-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
m Hieratic text Hermitage 1116 A recto
- Date:
- Amenhotep II ꜥꜣ-ḫprw-rꜥ jmn-ḥtp
- Title:
- nfw
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Provenance:
- Abydos
- Date:
- Kamose wꜣḏ-ḫpr-rꜥ kꜣ-ms
- Title:
- jmj-st-ꜥ n jmn
- Date:
- Amenhotep II ꜥꜣ-ḫprw-rꜥ jmn-ḥtp
- Title:
- ḥꜣtj-ꜥ; ḥm-nṯr tpj [...] nbwtj
- Provenance:
- Naqada
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
m Inscribed surface Petrie, Season, no. 626
- Title:
- sš
- Provenance:
- Gebel el-Silsila
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
m Stela Rio de Janeiro 634 [2426]
- Title:
- ẖrj-ꜥ n jmj-rꜣ ḫtmt
- Origin:
- Date:
- 13th Dyn.
- Title:
- [...] n nbw
- Provenance:
- Soleb
- Date:
- not earlier than Amenhotep III
m Inscribed surface TT 60 dipinto Davies and Gardiner 3
- Title:
- sš
- Provenance:
- Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Provenance:
- Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
- Date:
- Thutmose IV mn-ḫprw-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
- Title:
- qn n ḥm-nṯr 2⸗nw
- Provenance:
- Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
- Date:
- Thutmose IV mn-ḫprw-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
- Title:
- ḥsw
- Provenance:
- Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
- Date:
- Thutmose III mn-ḫpr-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
- Title:
- mnꜥt wrt; mnꜥt wrt nt nb-tꜣwj; nbt pr; šdt-nṯr (n) nsw
- Provenance:
- Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
- Date:
- Thutmose III - Amenhotep II
- Dossier:
- mnꜥt jmn-m-jpt/bꜣkj (weak)
- Title:
- jdnw n wḥmw (n) nsw
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Date:
- Thutmose III mn-ḫpr-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
- Date:
- Thutmose III mn-ḫpr-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
m Hieratic text MMA Eg. Exp. 23001.72
- Provenance:
- Deir el-Bahri
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
m Hieratic text Vernus, RdE 33, 89-124 vs
- Title:
- [...] n pr-ḥḏ
- Installation place:
- Deir el-Bahri
- Date:
- Hatshepsut
m Hieratic text MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.1
- Provenance:
- Deir el-Bahri
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
m Hieratic text Hermitage 1116 A recto
- Date:
- Amenhotep II ꜥꜣ-ḫprw-rꜥ jmn-ḥtp
- Provenance:
- Abydos
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
Dossiers (multiple attestations of the same persons)
jmj-rꜣ pr n ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-rꜥ mꜣꜥ-ḫrw bꜣk: attestations 6, 7
mnꜥt jmn-m-jpt/bꜣkj: attestations 21