Name Types
semantic name classes
basileophoric name
- king appears, rises, comes, is being born
- king interacts with god
- king is alive, awake, enduring
- king is appeased, merciful, joyous
- king is fair, beautiful
- king is great, strong, powerful
- king is healthy
- king is in holiday
- king is prominent, foremost
- name with Jꜥḥ-ms
- name with Jmn-m-ḥꜣt
- name with Jmn-ḥtp
- name with ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-n-rꜥ
- name with ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-kꜣ-rꜥ
- name with ꜥꜣ-ḫprw-rꜥ
- name with Wnjs
- name with Bjk
- name with Pjpj
- name with Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw-rꜥ
- name with Mꜣꜥ.t-kꜣ-rꜥ
- name with Mnṯw-ḥtp
- name with Mrjj-rꜥ
- name with Nj-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ
- name with Nb-pḥtj-rꜥ
- name with Nb-ḥpt-rꜥ
- name with Nbw-kꜣw-Rꜥ
- name with Nfr-ḥtp
- name with Nfr-kꜣ-rꜥ
- name with Kꜣ-ms
- name with Ḫꜥ-ḫpr-Rꜥ
- name with Ḫꜥ-kꜣw-Rꜥ
- name with Ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥ
- name with H̱tjj
- name with S-n-wsrt
- name with Sꜥnḫ-kꜥ-rꜥ
- name with Sbk-ḥtp
- name with Snfrw
- name with Sḥtp-jb-Rꜥ
- name with Ttj
- name with Ḏḥwtj-ms
- name with Ḏsr-kꜣ-rꜥ
- name-bearer as king’s child
- name-bearer as king’s gift
- name-bearer belongs to king, king is name-bearer’s lord
- name-bearer protected by king
- speaker is made fair by king
endophoric personal name
- animal name
- generic word for “child” (or gender designation)
- name derived from a toponym or ethnonym
- name with ꜥwj⸗j or ꜥ⸗j
- name with ꜥwj⸗sj(fj) or ꜥ⸗f(s)
- name-bearer comes, is being born
- name-bearer is excellent
- name-bearer is fair, beautiful
- name-bearer is healthy
- name-bearer is loved, praised
- name-bearer is name-giver’s companion
- name-bearer is strong
- name-bearer lives
- name-bearer lives long
- name-bearer referred to as nfrt
- name-bearer was given
- name-bearer’s birth was desired, asked for
- name-bearer’s quality
- object name
- ordinal number
- plant name
- profession name
- reference to a precious metal, stone
- reference to speaker’s brother
- reference to speaker’s father
- reference to speaker’s mother
- reference to speaker’s name
- reference to speaker’s sister
- reference to the birth date
- reference to third person’s father
- reference to third person’s mother
- reference to third person’s name
- speaker is content, unharmed
- wish, plea concerning the name-bearer
foreign name
holiday or calendrical name
incomprehensible name
name with rḥw(t)
name with tꜣ “land”
reference to a non-royal person
- name with Jj-m-ḥtp
- name with Jjj
- name with Jwjj
- name with Jmnjj
- name with Jn-jtj⸗f
- name with Jsj
- name with Wꜣḥ-kꜣ
- name with Bbj
- name with Mrjjt
- name with Nnj
- name with Nḫt(j)
- name with Rmnjj
- name with Ḥqꜣ-jb
- name with Snb
- name with Gm.n⸗j
- name with Ddj
- name with Ddw
- name-bearer as person’s child
- name-bearer as person’s gift
- name-bearer belongs to person, person is name-bearer’s lord
- name-bearer helps, supports the person
- name-bearer protected, saved by person
- person is alive, awake, enduring
- person is appeased, joyous
- person is being born
- person is beloved by speaker
- person is fair
- person is great, strong, powerful
- person is healthy
- person is prominent, foremost
- person is speaker’s companion
reference to ka
theophoric name
- divine epithet used as personal name
- god appears, rises, comes, is being born
- god benefits, helps name-bearer
- god benefits, helps speaker
- god exists
- god is appeased, joyous, kindly disposed
- god is beloved by speaker
- god is fair, beautiful
- god is great, strong, powerful
- god is healthy
- god is in holiday
- god is living, enduring, awake
- god is prominent, foremost
- god is speaker’s companion
- god is third person’s companion
- god manifested in name-bearer
- name with Ꜣst
- name with Jꜥḥ
- name with Jwn-mwt⸗f
- name with Jp
- name with Jpj
- name with Jpw
- name with Jmn
- name with Jn
- name with Jn-ḥrt
- name with Jnpw
- name with Jst-jrt
- name with Jq
- name with Jgꜣj
- name with Ꜥnqt
- name with Ꜥrjjt
- name with Wꜣḏjjt
- name with Wp-wꜣwt
- name with Wn
- name with Wrt
- name with Wḫ
- name with Wsrt
- name with Bꜣstt
- name with Bꜥꜣr
- name with Pꜣḫ.t
- name with Ptḥ
- name with Mꜣj
- name with Mꜣj-ḥsꜣ
- name with Mꜣꜥt
- name with Mwt
- name with Mn-ḫpr-rꜥ
- name with Mn-ḫprw-rꜥ
- name with Mnw
- name with Mnḥtt
- name with Mnḫt
- name with Mnṯw
- name with Mḥjjt
- name with msḥ
- name with Msḫnt
- name with Mkt
- name with Mṯnw
- name with Nb-Kmwj
- name with (nb-)sšnw
- name with Nbw
- name with Nbt-ḥwt
- name with nb(t)(⸗j)
- name with Nfr-tm
- name with Nfrt
- name with Nmtj
- name with Nmtjwj
- name with Nn-nsw
- name with Nht
- name with Nḫbt
- name with Nšmt
- name with Nt
- name with nṯr(⸗j)
- name with nṯrw
- name with nṯrwj
- name with Rꜥ
- name with Rwtj
- name with Rnw
- name with Rnnwtt
- name with Rrwt
- name with Knmtj
- name with Ht
- name with Ḥj
- name with Ḥꜥpj
- name with Ḥw
- name with Ḥwt-Ḥr
- name with Ḥp
- name with Ḥmn
- name with Ḥr
- name with Ḥr-wr
- name with Ḥrj-š⸗f
- name with Ḥqt
- name with Ḥḏ-ḥtp
- name with Ḫnsw
- name with Ḫntj-ẖtjj
- name with Ḫntt-bꜣw
- name with H̱nmw
- name with H̱rtj
- name with Sbk
- name with Spdw
- name with Sn-mrj
- name with Sḫmt
- name with Sḫt
- name with Skr
- name with Stẖ
- name with Sṯjt
- name with Šꜣbt
- name with Šsmw
- name with Qjs
- name with kꜣ (bull)
- name with kꜣ-Jwnw
- name with Gbw
- name with Tp-jḥw
- name with Tfnt
- name with Tm
- name with Tḫj
- name with Ṯnj
- name with Ṯnn
- name with Ḏḥwtj
- name-bearer as god’s child
- name-bearer as god’s gift
- name-bearer belongs to god, god is name-bearer’s lord (lady)
- name-bearer is made alive, awake, enduring by god
- name-bearer loved, praised by god
- name-bearer loved, praised by king
- name-bearer protected, saved by god
- speaker is made alive, awake, enduring by god
- speaker is made fair by god
- speaker protected, saved by god
formal name patterns
adjectival phrase
- active participle
- adjective
- passive participle
- relative clause with the sḏm⸗f
- relative clause with the sḏm.n⸗f
- sḏ⸗fj
adjectival sentence
- adjectival sentence with an adverbial clause
- adjective + name
- exclamatory adjectival sentence
- independent pronoun + adjective
- negative adjectival sentence
- possessive sentence
- ꜣḫ-n⸗j-GN
- ꜥꜣ-KN
- wr-bꜣw-GN
adverbial phrase
adverbial sentence
- GN-m-ꜣḫt
- GN-m-jb⸗j
- GN-m-wjꜣ
- GN-m-wsḫt
- GN-m-mr
- GN-m-nḫw
- GN-m-nṯr(⸗j)
- GN-m-nḏ⸗s/f
- GN-m-ḥꜣt
- GN-m-ḥb
- GN-m-ḫꜥw⸗s/f
- GN-m-sꜣ
- GN-m-sꜣ⸗s/f
- GN-m-š
- GN-m-GN
- GN-m-toponym
- GN-n-GN
- GN-r-ḥꜣt
- GN-r-ḥꜣt⸗f
- GN-ḥꜣ-jšt⸗f
- GN-ḥꜣt
- GN-ḥb
- GN-ḥr-ḥb
- GN-ḥr-ẖnt
- KN-m-ꜥḥ.t
- KN-m-ḥꜣt
- KN-m-ḥwt-ꜥꜣt
- KN-m-sꜣ
- KN-m-sꜣ⸗s/f
- KN-ḥr-ḥb
- KN-ḥr-ẖnt
- N-m-pt
- N-r-nḥḥ
- negation of existence or a negative adverbial sentence
- PN-m-ḥꜣt
- PN-m-ḥst
- PN-m-sꜣ⸗s/f
- sentence with a pseudoverbal construction
- nb⸗j-m-GN
- ṯꜣw-n-PN
hypocoristic name ending with -jj
incomprehensible structure
name with a third person pronoun
- third person pronoun or verbal form refers to the name-bearer
- third person pronoun refers not to the name-bearer
nominal phrase
- demonstrative pronoun + attribute
- demonstrative pronoun + noun
- direct genitival phrase
- indirect genitival phrase
- noun
- noun + adjective
- possessive prefix + noun
nominal sentence
verbal sentence
- balanced sentence
- negative verbal sentence n sḏm⸗f
- negative verbal sentence n sḏm.n⸗f
- negative verbal sentence nn sḏm⸗f
- participial statement
- prominence construction adjective + sḏm⸗f
- prominence construction adjective + sḏ⸗f
- sentence subject + sḏm⸗f
- sentence with the imperative
- sentence with the passive sḏm⸗f
- sentence with the stative
- sentence with the sḏm⸗f
- sentence with the sḏm.n⸗f
- sentence with the sḏ⸗f