Sethe 1906a
Sethe, K. 1906. Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Vol. 1. Urkunden des ägyptischen Altertums 4. Leipzig: Hinsrichs.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 1-11 (1); 128 (49): Elkab tomb 5 [h (i)]
- 12-13 (2): Louvre E 15682 [h]
- 13 (3): Cairo JE 21461 [h]
- 14-24 (5): Cairo CG 34001 [h]
- 24-25 (6): el-Masara 8 [h]
- 24-25 (6): el-Masara 6 [h]
- 26-29 (7): Cairo CG 34002 [h]
- 29-31 (8): Cairo CG 34009 [h]
- 32-39 (9): Elkab tomb 2 [h (i)]
- 35 (9 C F): Edinburgh A.1948.486 [m]
- 35 (9 C L): Louvre C 49 [h (i)]
- 39-41 (10): Semna temple, Panel 4 [h (i)]
- 42 (11): TT C2 [m]
- 45-49 (14): Cairo CG 34003 [h]
- 50-51 (17): Louvre C 47 [h]
- 51-52 (18 A): Petrie, Season, no. 476 [h]
- 52 (18 B): Petrie, Season, no. 357 [h]
- 52-53 (19): Louvre E 3212 [h]
- 53-74 (20-24): TT 81 [h (i)]
- 74-75 (25): Torino Cat. 3068 [h]
- 75 (26): Elkab tomb 7 [h (i)]
- 76-77 (27): Firenze 2549 [h]
- 77-78 (28): Cairo CG 61004 [h]
- 78 (29): Uronarti Rock Inscription II [h]
- 79-81 (30 B): Berlin ÄM 13725 [h]
- 79-81 (30 K): Cairo CG 34006 [h]
- 89 (34 B): SEH 233 [h]
- 89-90 (34 C): SEH 234 [h]
- 90 (35): Davies and Macadam 103 [h]
- 91 (36): Louvre E 8074 [h]
- 94-103 (39): Cairo CG 34007 [h]
- 105-108 (41-42): TT 345 [h (i)]
- 108 (43): Cairo JE 27818 [h]
- 109-128 (44-48); 135 (53 A): Elkab tomb 3 [h (i)]
- 129 (50 A): Dresden Aeg. 755 [h (i)]
- 129 (50 B): Davies and Macadam 85 [h]
- 129 (50 C): Torino Cat. 1456 [h (i)]
- 129 (50 D): Davies and Macadam 438 [h]
- 129 (50, E): Firenze 2589 [h]
- 129-130 (50 F): Gebel es-Silsilah shrine 21 [h]
- 130-135 (51-52): Hierakonpolis tomb of Djehuti [h]
- 135 (53 B): TT 317 [h (i)]
- 136 (54): TT 84 (jꜣmw-nḏḥ) [h (i)]
- 141-142 (56): Kumma Jamb 14; Caminos, Kumma, 22-23, pl. 20-22 [h]
- 143 (57 B): Cairo CG 572 [h]
- 143-145 (58): Berlin ÄM 15699 [h]
- 145-153 (60-62): TT 24 [h (i)]
- 154 (63): Karnak statue of Thutmose II [h]
- 192-193 (70): Cairo CG 18486 [h]
- 193-196 (71): LD III, 55a [h]
- 207-210 (76): BM EA1199 [h]
- 241 (85): Wien ÄS 1018 [h]
- 308-310 (101): Deir el-Bahri great temple PM (82) [h (i)]
- 135 (53): ḥsb n jt ḏḥwtj-nfr