Schenkel 1962
Schenkel, W. 1962. Frühmittelägyptische Studien. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn. Bonn.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 27-28: book roll sign with one tie
- 27-28: book roll sign without ties
- 30: nṯr ꜥꜣ with the horizontal arrangement of ꜥꜣ
- 35-36: spelling of jmj-rꜣ with the tongue sign
- 35-36: rebus spelling of jmj-rꜣ in hieroglyphic inscriptions
- 35-36: phonetic spelling of jmj-rꜣ in hieroglyphic inscriptions
- 49, 51, 59: jmꜣḫw(t)
- 51: jmꜣḫjj(t)
- 76 (§28a): epithet jqr mꜢꜤ-ḫrw
- Cairo TN [m]
- Hammamat M 114 [m]
- Beni Hasan tomb 14 [m]
- Cairo CG 20518 [m]
- Cairo CG 20502 [m]
- Louvre C 14 [t]
- § 38 g: BM EA1059 [m]
- 38: Leiden F 1938/1.6 [m]
- 48: Chassinat, Palanque, Assiout, 167-168