Säve-Söderbergh and Troy 1991a
Säve-Söderbergh, T., and L. Troy. 1991. New Kingdom Pharaonic Sites: The Finds and the Sites. Vol. 2, Text. The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia publications, 5:2. Partille: Åström.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 94-95: Martin 872c [m]
- 94-95: Martin 1065a [m]
- 95: Martin 299a [d]
- 191-192 fig. 47 (A1): QH 35l [s (i), t (i)]
- 191-192 fig. 47 (A2): Moscow I, 1а 5628 [t]
- 191-192 fig. 47 (A3): Moscow I, 1а 5629 [s, t]
- 193 fig. 48 (A4): Morgan, Cat. de mon. 128 (4) [s, t]
- 193-194 fig. 48 (B1): Khartoum 92 [s, t]
- 193-194 fig. 48 (B2): Philadelphia E10980 [s, t]
- 193-194 fig. 48 (B3): Philadelphia E10982 [s, t]
- 194-196 fig. 49 (B4): Cairo CG 20775 [s, t]
- 195-196 fig. 49 (B5): Buhen South Temple 4 [s, t]
- 195-196 fig. 49 (C1): Khartoum 41038 [s, t]
- 195-197 fig. 49 (C2): Khartoum 3739 [s, t]
- 197-201 fig. 50-51: Dibeira tomb of Djehutyhotep [s (i), t (i)]
- 201-203 fig. 52 (D3): Khartoum 63/4/7 [s, t]
- 201, 195 fig. 49 (D2): Säve-Söderbergh, Kush 11, 173 fig. 7 [s, t]
- 202-203 (D8): Dibeira West Q 10:140 [t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D4, 1): Dibeira West Q 10:194 [h, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D4, 2): Dibeira West Q 10:148 [h, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D4, 3): Dibeira West Q 10:42 [h, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D4, 4): Dibeira West Q 10:107 [h, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D5): Dibeira West Q 10:193 [s, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D6): Dibeira West Q 20:22 [s, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (D7): Dibeira West Q 10:83 [s, t]
- 202-203 fig. 52 (E1): Plumley, JEA 61, 16, pl. X (2) [s, t]
- 202-204 fig. 52 (F1): Brooklyn 66.1 [s, t]
- 190-207: ḫrp rsj-tp n ḥmt-nṯr jmn-m-ḥꜣt
- 190-207: rwjw
- 190-207: sš nsw pꜣ-jtsj/ḏḥwtj-ḥtp