Säve-Söderbergh and Troy 1991b
Säve-Söderbergh, T., and L. Troy. 1991. New Kingdom Pharaonic Sites: The Finds and the Sites. Vol. 3, Lists and plates. The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia publications, 5:3. Partille: Åström.
Entities referred to in this publication
- pl. 10 (185/8:1): Martin 1065a [bp (all sides)]
- pl. 10 (185/20:1): Martin 872c [bp (all sides)]
- pl. 17 (185/545:2): Martin 299a [bp (base, back)]
- pl. 49-50: Khartoum 63/4/7 [bp]
- pl. 60 (1): Khartoum 92 [bp]
- pl. 60 (2): Philadelphia E10980 [bp]
- pl. 60 (3): Plumley, JEA 61, 16, pl. X (2) [bp]
- pl. 60 (4): Brooklyn 66.1 [bp]
- pl. I: Dibeira tomb of Djehutyhotep [cp (i)]