Person PD 134
Title | Name | |
m | jrj-ꜥt | jn-jtj⸗f |
- Bibliography:
- Franke 1984a, no. 134
Stela Amherst 554: jrj-ꜥt jn-jtj⸗f (weak)
Title Name Title Name Class. m jr.j-ꜥ.t jn-jtj⸗f and -
- Reasoning:
- name and title
- Mother (jr.n): sbkt.
- Father (jtj⸗f): jn-jtj⸗f nḫn.
- Grandmother (mwt nt mwt⸗f): mdt.
Seal/sealing Berlin ÄM 32430: jrj-ꜥt jn-jtj⸗f (weak)
Title Name Title Name Class. m jr.j-ꜥ.t jn-jtj⸗f - - Reasoning:
- name and title
Stela Boston 28.1649 + Uronarti URAP CE-004-29: jrj-ꜥt n šnꜥw jn-jtj⸗f (rejected)
Title Name Title Name Class. m jr.j-ꜥ.t n šnꜥ.w jn-jtj⸗f - - Reasoning:
- different date
- Father (jr.n): [...].