Cairo CG 51007
Cairo CG 51007
- PM:
- Type:
- Tomb equipment
- Subtype:
- Anthropoid coffin
- Material:
- wood
- Size:
- 1945 mm
- Provenance:
- Biban el-Muluk
- Find group:
- KV 46
ẖkrt-nsw; nbt pr; šmꜥjjt nt jmn; mwt-nsw n(t) ḥmt-nsw wrt; ḥsjjt n(t) ḥwt-ḥr ṯwjw, dossier: nbt-pr ṯwjw (accepted) (owner)
Title Name Class. Name Class. Name Class. Name Class. f ẖkr.t-nsw; nb.t pr; šmꜥ.jj.t n.t Jmn; mw.t-nsw n.t ḥm.t-nsw wr.t; ḥs.jj.t n.t Ḥw.t-Ḥr ṯj and -
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