Ilin-Tomich 2017
Ilin-Tomich, A. 2017. From Workshop to Sanctuary: The Production of Late Middle Kingdom Memorial Stelae. Middle Kingdom Studies 6. London: Golden House.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 5: wḏꜣt-eyes in the round top
- 5: title nbt pr
- 8: jꜥḥ-sign upturned
- 8: the sign Q2
- 8-9: reversed sign Q2
- 9-13: anomalous form of the sign ḥtp
- 13: red crown for n
- 13: the ꜣb-sign shaped as a leg
- 14-17: ḥtp-dj-nsw spelled as sw-dj-ḥtp with t between sw and dj
- 14-17: ḥtp-dj-nsw spelled as sw-dj-ḥtp with t above dj
- 14-17: ḥtp-dj-nsw spelled as sw-dj-ḥtp without t after sw and with phonetic complements after ḥtp
- 17-18: "Sokar" spelled as skrj
- 17-18: "Sokar" spelled as srk
- 19: "bread" spelled as X1
- 19: "bread" spelled with X4
- 20: "beer" spelled with W20 or W59
- 20-21: two plural determinatives after jḥw ꜣpdw
- 20-21: food and plural after jḥw ꜣpdw
- 21: large signs for jḥw ꜣpdw
- 22: horizontal line in šs mnḫt
- 22-23: "thing" spelled with the abstract determinative
- 23-24: determinatives after names of depicted persons
- 24-26: filiation ms.n+M (early date excluded)
- 24-26: filiation jr.n+F
- 24-26: filiation jr.n+F ms.n+M
- 26: m swt⸗f nbwt
- 26: extra dj after ḥtp-dj-nsw
- 27-28: the epithet nb ꜥnḫ tꜣwj
- 28: Mnw-Ḥr-nḫt
- 28-29: rnpt nbt and ḥnkt nbt
- 29: ꜣḫ wsr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
- 29-30: ṯꜣw nḏm n ꜥnḫ/mḥjjt
- 30: the phrase ꜥnḫ(t) nṯr jm⸗sn
- 30: jnnt Ḥꜥpj m ḥtpt⸗f (nfrt)
- 31: n kꜣ n jmꜣḫjj
- 31-32: wḥmw ꜥnḫ
- 32-34: wḏꜣt-eyes in the round top without further decoration
- 33-34: jackals in the round top
- 34: wḏꜣt-eyes with jackals
- front cover, pl. 13 (right): Leeds LEEDM.D.1960.0081 [cp, bp]
- pl. 13 (left): Kraków MNK-XI-490 [bp]
- pl. 14 (left): BM 1653 [bp]
- pl. 14 (right): Cairo CG 20148 [bp]
- pl. 15 (left): Genève D 51 [bp]
- pl. 15 (right): EES AB.NEG AB_02_0046 [bp]
- pl. 16 (left): Athens Λ135 [bp]
- pl. 16 (right): Cairo CG 20170 [bp]
- pl. 20 (left): Berlin 13677 [bp]
- pl. 20 (middle): Clère MSS neg. A 10/24 [bp]
- pl. 20 (right): UC 14419 [bp]
- 107-108, pl. 13: 13th Dyn. Theban Workshop 6
- 108 (Dyn. XIII Theban Workshop 7): 13th Dyn. Theban Workshop 7
- 109-110: SIP Theban Workshop 2
- 109, pl. 15: SIP Theban Workshop 1
- 110-111, pl. 16: SIP Theban Workshop 3
- 131-132, pl. 20: Rizeikat Workshop 9
- 132 (Rizeikat Workshop 10): Rizeikat Workshop 10
- 135: Tod Workshop 1
- 136: Tod Workshop 2