Dorman 1991
Dorman, P. F. 1991. The Tombs of Senenmut. The Architecture and Decoration of Tombs 71 and 353. Publications of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition 24. New York.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 21-79, pl. 1-34: TT 71 [cp (i), bp, s, h, t]
- 54-55, pl. 16a: Berlin ÄM 2066 [bp, s, t]
- 69 (9-10), pl. 29: Davies and Macadam 88 [bp]
- 70-76, pl. 30-34: MMA 1971.209 + 31.3.95 + 65.274 [bp, h, t]
- 76 (12a): Hayes, Ostraka, no. 46 [m]
- 76 (12b): Hayes, Ostraka, no. 47
- 77 (13b): Hayes, Ostraka, no. 82 [m]
- 77 (13c): Hayes, Ostraka, no. 83 [m]
- 77 (13d): Hayes, Ostraka, no. 114
- 78 (18), pl. 36-37b: TT 71 shroud of Senimen [bp, h, t]
- 78 (19), pl. 37c: Davies and Macadam 120 [bp]
- 78 (20), pl. 38a: TT 71 shabti box of Shepes [s, t]
- 81-160, pl. 39-86: TT 353 [bp, s, t]
- 88-89 (26a), pl. 47: MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.1 [bp, h, t]
- 89 (26b), pl. 48 (a-b), 49 (a-b): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.5 [bp, h, t]
- 89-90 (26c), pl. 48 (d, f), 49 (d): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.6 [bp, h, t]
- 90 (26d), pl. 48 (c, e), 49 (c): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.7 [bp, h, t]
- 90 (26e): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.2 [m]
- 90 (26f): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.3 [m]
- 90 (26g): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.4 [m]
- 90 (26h): MMA Eg. Exp. 27057.8+oEg.Exp.27057.9 [m]
- 154 (55), pl. 91 (a, g): MMA 27.3.488 [bp, s, t]
- 154 (56a), pl. 91 (a): Cairo JE 51830 [bp (inscription illegible), t]