Pérez Die 2005
Pérez Die, M. d. C. 2005. Ehnasya el Medina: Heracleópolis Magna, Egipto: Excavaciones 1984-2004. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 28 fig. 31: Herakleopolis 1789 [cp]
- 28 fig. 32: Herakleopolis 1768 [cp]
- 29 fig. 33: Pérez Die, FsBrovarski, fig. 27 [cp (i)]
- 29 fig. 35: Heracleopolis 89-242 [cp]
- 30-31 fig. 36-39: Herakleopolis tomb of Hotepwadjet [cp (i)]
- 33 fig. 44: Pérez Die, Arbor 182, 111 fig. 5 [cp (i)]