What is included in the database
The database aims to cover Egyptian names in the sources dabable to the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period from the reign of Mentuhotep II to the reign of Kamose. It does not includes lists of foreign names in the execration texts and in papyrus Moscow I 1б 314. Omitted also inscriptions datable to the 17th - early 18th Dynasty based on the object type, namely, stick shabtis (Whelan 2007b) and rishi-coffins (Miniaci 2011) as long as there is no ground to exclude an 18th Dynasty date.
Version 1 is limited to the Second Intermediate Period (14th-17th Dynasty).
Versions 2 and 3 include the material from the entire timespan. They lack the German translations of personal names and translations of titles. Some material could not be accessed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The translations and the classification of personal names are still preliminary. Some occasional First Intermediate Period sources are also included in the database, but no attempt was made to cover them systematically.
It is planned to extend and improve the database continuously.