Padró 1999
Padró, J. 1999. Études historico-archéologiques sur Heracleopolis Magna: la nécropole de la muraille méridionale. Nova studia aegyptiaca 1. Barcelona: Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 126-146, fig. 100-107, pl. XL-LXXIII: tomb of Sehu [bp, s, h, t]
- 147-148 (A), fig. 108 (1): Madrid 11.599 [s, t]
- 148 (C), fig. 109 (1): Cairo JE 91100 [h, t]
- 149 (D), fig. 109 (2): Cairo JE 91098 [h, t]
- 149 (E), fig. 110 (1): Cairo JE 91099 [h, t]
- 149-150 (F), fig. 110 (2): Madrid 1976/114/a/2072 [h, t]
- 150 (G), fig. 111 (1): Madrid 11.598 [h, t]
- 151 (K), fig. 112 (1): Lopez, OrAnt 14, 73-74, fig. 16 [h]
- 151-152 (L), fig. 112 (2): Madrid 11.603 [h, t]
- 152 (M), fig. 113 (1): Lopez, OrAnt 14, 65 [h, t]
- 152 (N), fig. 113 (2): Arte faraónico, 76 (27) [h, t]
- 152-153 (O), fig. 114 (1): Presedo Velo, ICE 1, fig. 1 [s, t]
- 153 (P), fig. 114 (2): Presedo Velo, ICE 1, fig. 2 [s, t]
- 153-154 (P), fig. 115: Presedo Velo, ICE 1, fig. 3 [s, t]
- 154 (R), fig. 116 (1): Presedo Velo, ICE 1, fig. 4 [s]
- 154-155 (T), fig. 116 (2): Heracleopolis 87-85 [s, t]
- 155 (U), fig. 117: Heracleopolis 89-242 [s, t]