Petrie 1900b
Petrie, W. M. F. 1900. Dendereh 1898. Extra plates. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Entities referred to in this publication
- pl. IIA (bottom right): Boston 98.1034 [bp]
- pl. XI C (2 row from bottom, right, ANTEF AND AY): Petrie, Dendereh, pl. XIV (bottom left) [bp]
- pl. XI C (top middle): Petrie, Dendereh, pl. XI C (top middle) [bp]
- pl. XIC (left bottom): Boston 98.1049 [bp]
- pl. XIC (right top): Boston 98.1042 [bp]
- pl. XIC (right, 2nd from top): Boston 98.1050
- pl. XXXVIIA-XXXVIIK: Cairo CG 28117 [bp]