Newberry 1893a
Newberry, P. E. 1893. Beni Hasan. Vol. 1. Archaeological Survey of Egypt, [1]. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Entities referred to in this publication
- 7: Beni Hasan tomb 4 [h (i)]
- 9-38, pl. III-XXI: Beni Hasan tomb 2 [s, t]
- 39-72, pl. II, XXII-XXXVIII: Beni Hasan tomb 3 [s, t]
- 73-77, pl. XLI: Beni Hasan tomb 13 [s, t]
- 79-85, pl. XLII-XLVI: Beni Hasan tomb 14 [s, h, t]