- Usage period:
- Amenhotep II - III
- Gender:
- m
- References:
- Ranke no.: / TLA no.:
Spellings & Attestations
m Stamped cone, brick, prism, pyramid Davies and Macadam 541
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
- Dossier:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj sbtj (weak)
m Stamped cone, brick, prism, pyramid Davies and Macadam 542
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
- Dossier:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj sbtj (weak)
m Statue Naville, XIth Dynasty I, pl. XXVI D-E
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj; ṯꜣjj ḫw; jmj-rꜣ rwjjt; ḥrj pḏt n nḥsjw; ṯꜣjj srjjt (n) ḥqꜣ ḥqꜣw; ṯꜣjj srjjt n nḫt wꜣst; ṯꜣjj srjjt
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Dossier:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj sbtj (weak)
- Title:
- sḏm ꜥš
- Provenance:
- Qubbet el-Hawa
- Date:
- Amenhotep III nb-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ jmn-ḥtp
- Title:
- ẖrd n kꜣp
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
m Hieratic text Hermitage 5598
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj
- Date:
- Thutmose IV - Amenhotep III
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj; ṯꜣjj ḫw n nb tꜣwj; ṯꜣjj srjjt n wn-tꜣ-wꜣt; ḥrj pḏt n ssmt; ṯꜣjj srjjt (n nꜣ) n ẖrdw n kꜣp
- Provenance:
- Karnak
- Date:
- Amenhotep III nb-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ jmn-ḥtp
- Dossier:
- jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj sbtj (weak)
Dossiers (multiple attestations of the same persons)
jmj-rꜣ ꜥẖnwtj sbtj: attestations 1, 2, 3, 7