- Usage period:
- early 18th Dynasty before Amenhotep II
- Gender:
- m
- References:
- Ranke no.: / TLA no.:
Spellings & Attestations
- Title:
- sš
- Provenance:
- Elkab
- Date:
- Thutmose III mn-ḫpr-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
- Dossier:
- sš qdwt n jmn ḥrj-jrj (accepted)
- Title:
- sš; sš qdwt n jmn
- Provenance:
- Elkab
- Date:
- Thutmose III mn-ḫpr-rꜥ ḏḥwtj-ms
- Dossier:
- sš qdwt n jmn ḥrj-jrj (accepted)
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Title:
- jrj-bnjtjw
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
- Dossier:
- jrj bnjt n jmn ḥrj-jrj (accepted)
m Hieratic text Berlin P. 12284
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
m Stamped cone, brick, prism, pyramid Davies and Macadam 149
- Title:
- jmj-rꜣ šnwtj m njwt-rsjt; sš
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
- Title:
- sš n nḫb
- Provenance:
- Wadi Abbad
- Date:
- 18th Dyn. before Amenhotep IV
m Stamped cone, brick, prism, pyramid Davies and Macadam 9
- Title:
- jrj bnjt n jmn
- Date:
- 18th Dyn.
- Dossier:
- jrj bnjt n jmn ḥrj-jrj (accepted)
Dossiers (multiple attestations of the same persons)
jrj bnjt n jmn ḥrj-jrj: attestations 4, 8
sš qdwt n jmn ḥrj-jrj: attestations 1, 2